Home Care Dallas TX

Approved In Home Care Provides Services for Seniors in Dallas TX

Adjusting to Alzheimer’s in your Family

It can be difficult to learn that a loved one has Alzheimer’s.  Alzheimer’s is a disease that has no cure; however there are excellent treatments to slow the progression of the disease, in many patients.  There is also is good reason for hope. New drugs are being developed to, hopefully, provide a cure in the […]

Do Your Parents Need A Caregiver in Dallas, TX?

Many seniors can live independently, and many can handle the activities of daily life quite well. However, as they age, things will change and they will need care and assistance to remain independent. There will need a helping hand, someone to check on them and help with the more difficult activities. How will you know […]

Home Care Services in Dallas, TX: What is best for Mom?

Deciding on how many hours of home care service your loved one may need, will be determined by several factors. ◾ Does she have health issues that she struggles with on a daily basis and doe she need help with those issues. [image_frame size=”full-half” image_path=”http://approvedinhomecare.com/wp-content/uploads/Senior-Care-Elderly-Caregiv.jpg” description=”Home Care Services In Dallas TX” link_to_page=”” target=”_self”] ◾ ADL’s […]

Elder Care in Dallas, TX: The Realities of Aging

                  Elder Care in Dallas, TX: The Realities of Aging One certain fact that is inevitable, we are all growing older. Some of us will try to grow younger by the application of anti-aging foams and soothing oils or pills that are reported to reverse or slow […]

Time For Alzheimer’s Care?

Checklist: When is it time for Alzheimer’s Care? As so many have experienced, Alzheimer’s is a progressive disease.  Symptoms vary with some people experiencing signs in their 40’s, however worsen unpredictably and gradually over time.  My mother started having signs of Alzheimer’s in her 60’s, and due to the slow progression, she was able to […]

Caregiving From a Distance

Far from Mom and Dad? Many of my friends in the plus 40 crowd tell me about their ongoing challenges in dealing with their aging parents.  One friend, Cindy, in particular told me yesterday… “You are blessed, ” she said, “if your parents are still living. If you are truly blessed, your parents live nearby.” […]

Helpful Tips to Control Incontinence

How to Control Incontinence With the advice and guidance of your Doctor, it is common that incontinence can be treated and possibly cured. With new advances, there are more treatment options today for urinary incontinence than in the past. Treatment choice depends on the type of bladder control problem, the seriousness, and the best fit […]

Caring for Elderly Parents Checklist

Checklist – Caring for Elderly Parents This guide and checklist will help families caring for elderly loved ones. We have included important to-do items that will help in dealing with the issues seniors and their families face.  This article covers: Determining needs,  Receive Permission, Handy information to access, Knowledge of senior concerns, and Taking a break […]

Caregiving, Seniors with Cancer

The incidence rate of cancer rises so dramatically with age, the World Health Organization lists ageing as a fundamental factor in the development of cancer as over 75% of all cancer diagnoses in the US come from people aged 55 and older.  So how can you prepare for caring for seniors with cancer diagnosis at […]

Holiday Depression and Seniors

Most of us think about pleasant celebrations and gatherings with family members and friends during the holidays, but for many seniors, ’tis the season for sadness, loneliness and even depression. There are many reasons for these feelings. In some cases, the holidays remind seniors of those no longer living with whom they have shared holidays […]