Providing Care During COVID-19

A message from our owners and how we are providing services and offering compassionate care during COVID-19. Zack & Linda McConnell, Owners of Approved In Home Care Transcript of Video…. Zack: Hi, We are Zack and Linda McConnell and we are the Administrator and Owners of Approved In Home Care.  Our goal is to make […]

Infection Control

Infection Control

The Novel Coronavirus – FAQ

Coronavirus COVID-19 Global Cases by Johns Hopkins CSSE About the Virus Q. What do we know about the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)?A. The Novel Coronavirus (recently renamed COVID-19) is a new respiratory virus first identified in Wuhan, China in December 2019. Coronaviruses are a family of viruses that range from the common cold to other viruses […]

Alzheimer’s Care Video – Learn about Validation, a method for communicating with seniors who are diagnosed with dementia.

Alzheimer’s Care Video – a “Must Watch”. Heartwarming Video – Learn about Validation, a method for communicating with seniors who are diagnosed with dementia. Click to Watch Video This is Love! Lady touches soul of Alzheimer’s sufferer with Christian hymns. Everyone Matters One of the most beautiful and memorable moments you will ever see on video, […]

How to Navigate the Holidays and Travel with Dementia

How to Handle Holiday Travel and Celebration Problems Common to People with Alzheimer’s and Other Dementias To download and print this article, Click Here. Holiday Trouble Spot #1:  Frenzy at Home Preserve, as much as possible, the person’s daily routine regarding times for meals, exercise, and activities. Don’t think you have to make the holiday exactly […]

Understanding the Zika Virus

Help for Understanding the Zika Virus We care about you and your family’s health and safety. We want to make sure you are informed and know what to do to prevent catching the Zika virus. The best source of information to stay current on Zika is the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Zika website. […]

What is it Like to Realize You’re Now a Senior?

Caregivers in Highland Park, TX – Words of Wisdom from a Popular Writer Embracing Her Senior Years Janis Ian is a singer-songwriter who has won two Grammy Awards, writes science fiction novels, and has a popular LGBT column. She is also 63 years old. In a recent email newsletter she shared how the aging process has […]