Alzheimer’s Care Video – Learn about Validation, a method for communicating with seniors who are diagnosed with dementia.

Alzheimer’s Care Video – a “Must Watch”. Heartwarming Video – Learn about Validation, a method for communicating with seniors who are diagnosed with dementia. Click to Watch Video This is Love! Lady touches soul of Alzheimer’s sufferer with Christian hymns. Everyone Matters One of the most beautiful and memorable moments you will ever see on video, […]

Time For Alzheimer’s Care?

Checklist: When is it time for Alzheimer’s Care? As so many have experienced, Alzheimer’s is a progressive disease.  Symptoms vary with some people experiencing signs in their 40’s, however worsen unpredictably and gradually over time.  My mother started having signs of Alzheimer’s in her 60’s, and due to the slow progression, she was able to […]

Caregiving, Seniors with Cancer

The incidence rate of cancer rises so dramatically with age, the World Health Organization lists ageing as a fundamental factor in the development of cancer as over 75% of all cancer diagnoses in the US come from people aged 55 and older.  So how can you prepare for caring for seniors with cancer diagnosis at […]

6 Important Tips

Six Ways to Talk to Your Parents About Getting Help at Home It can be difficult to realize the fact that your parents may need assistance and help with day-to-day activities, and it can be a struggle  hiring a professional caregiver for help. Your loved one may react to this decision with some reluctance. When you discuss the subject […]

Is your Mom or Dad in Pain?

It is common for pain to be untreated or even unrecognized in seniors.  This can be exacerbated for elderly who have a limited ability to communicate. Up to 80% of seniors experience pain, for many this results in unnecessary suffering. If you suspect pain, you notice changes in: •Labored and noisy breathing.  When pain increases, breathing may become rapid with short breaths. […]